How do you swing a golf club?
There are lots of theories and ideas about swinging the golf club. I wouldn't by any stretch of the word that I am an expert. At my best I was a 4 handicap golfer, and worked harder than I can remember to get better at this. I tried everyday because I loved it more than anything. But my best rounds have been in the sixties which were pretty good.
I am going to try and teach you how to swing the golf club.
First your stance.
Your shoulders should be perpendicular to your target and there should be a parallel line to your target with your two shoulders, the same goes with your feet and you should be able to feel like you're in an athletic stance, knees slightly bent and butt down slightly with your back straight hanging over your knees so it looks like your hands are hanging down somewhat over your knees.
Once you have established your stance, you then can move to your grip. I use the Var-don Grip which is what 90+% of golfers use. This is effective especially keeping your club in control through impact. You're able to get a good should turn. This allows your club to naturally come through while creating good club rotation. For more information on the Var-don Grip search how to do the Var-don Grip in google.
Body Movement:
What your body should be doing at this stage is first take the club back with your arms allowing your club to go straight back so as to maintain the butt of the club pointing toward your target when the club gets perpendicular to the ground. So when your club gets to perpendicular to the ground your butt club... New word. Should be facing the target. When this gets to this point, you should maintain your firm but relaxed grip and your arms and shoulders are driving the club back very naturally, almost like a putt movement. Not too fast to whip the club but a solid shoulder turn will get this result.
Hip and Should movement.
Some players like John Daley and Phil Micleson have such a large shoulder turn that their clubs go so far past parallel while others like Toni Finau don't even get close to parallel and still have some of the largest drives on the PGA tour. What your club is trying to create is lag. It doesn't necessarily matter if you go past parallel, but it needs to allow you create torque enough to get lag on your club so as to create club and then ball speed. You do this right when your butt club gets to the target, you then make a simultaneous shoulder and hip turn until you're comfortable then you start your down swing toward your target.
On your down swing once you've created the torque using your shoulders and hips and extended arm almost like an extension of your arms, like you have two clubs, you're arms and the clubs. Well when you get to the top of your swing, leading slightly with your hips you form your down swing which created the torque you need to generate the speed you need to line up with the same line you created on your back swing, Your club should lag behind your body on the down swing or you're not generating enough torque in order to get your club to swing through fast enough. You're arm strength alone won't get your club to come through faster. It's your turn and ability to get the club to torque.
Follow Through
Once your club squares up at impact and connects that shoots or propels your ball, it isn't enough to stop there, you need to continue to drive the club through impact which makes the torque you need. Your follow through is just as important as your back swing because it means that you fully swung the club. You're not going to get there without the Follow through. Make sure that's done right. As you drive your club through you should point your toe of the club up to the air at parallel. Just like your butt of your club was pointing to the back, so to the club at follow through at parallel should be pointing up.
Well that's really all I have right now, I am going to peace out.
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